image of Max Shtein

Max Shtein

Professor (Courtesy)


(734) 764-4312


Chemical Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering

2014 HH Dow

Primary Website


Princeton University
PhD ChE ’04

University of California at Berkeley
BS ChE ’98

Research Interests

The Shtein group’s research is focused on organic semiconductors, organic-inorganic hybrid materials and nanocomposites geared toward efficient energy conversion. The group studies the physical properties of these materials and apply this knowledge to solid state device design and fabrication. In particular, devices of interest include transistors, LEDs, solar cells, memories, near-field optical microscopy probes and others. As an integral part of this work, they develop novel techniques for organic semiconductor processing, including large-area vapor-phase deposition, high-resolution direct patterning (solvent-free printing), molecular self-assembly and a range of the more traditional nano- and microfabrication methods.

One of the key challenges is to preserve the molecular-level order in the process of fabricating organic electronics on various large-area substrates at low-cost (e.g. low-cost, lightweight solar cells). The work requires the expertise from several disciplines, including chemistry, materials characterization, semiconductor device physics, semiconductor processing, chemical engineering and many others. The areas of potential impact range from alternative energy technologies, to chemical catalysis, to biotechnology and even quantum computing.


Courses Taught


MSE 489: Materials Processing (Senior Design)
MSE 493: Light, Energy, Visualization of Science


MSE 500: Solid State Physics
MSE 693: Organic Electronics


Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), 2007

Newport Award of Excellence and Leadership in Photonics and Optoelectonics, 2004

Materials Research Society Graduate Student Gold Medal Award, 2001


K. H. An, B. O’Connor, K. P. Pipe, M. Shtein, “Organic photodetector with spectral response tunable across the visible spectrum by means of internal optical microcavity.” Organic Electronics,10, 1152, 2009.

B. O’Connor, C. Haughn*, K. H. An, K. P. Pipe, M. Shtein, “Transparent and conductive electrodes based on unpatterned, thin metal films.” Applied Physics Letters, 93, 223304, 2008.

B. O’Connor, K.H. An, Y. Zhao, K.P. Pipe, M. Shtein, “Enhanced Optical Field Intensity Distribution in Organic Photovoltaics,” submitted to Applied Physics Letters, (2006).

Kwang H An, Yiying Zhao, Brendan O’Connor, Kevin Pipe, Max Shtein, “Organic light-emitting device on a scanning probe cantilever,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 89, pp. 111117 (2006).

Sun, YR; Shtein, M; Forrest, SR, “Direct Patterning Of Organic Light-Emitting Devices By Organic-Vapor Jet Printing,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 86, Issue 11, (2005).

Yang, F; Shtein, M; Forrest, SR, “Controlled Growth Of A Molecular Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaic Cell,” Nature Materials, Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 37 (2005).

Zhou, TX; Ngo, T; Brown, JJ; Shtein, M; Forrest, SR, “Stable And Efficient Electrophosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Devices Grown By Organic Vapor Phase Deposition,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 86, Issue 2, (2005).

Shtein, M; Peumans, P; Benziger, JB; Forrest, SR, “Direct, Mask- And Solvent-Free Printing Of Molecular Organic Semiconductors,” Advanced Materials, Vol. 16, Issue 18, pp. 1615 (2004).

Shtein, M; Peumans, P; Benziger, JB; Forrest, SR, “Direct Mask-Free Patterning Of Molecular Organic Semiconductors Using Organic Vapor Jet Printing,” Journal Of Applied Physics, Vol. 96, Issue 8, pp. 4500 (2004).

Shtein, M; Peumans, P; Benziger, JB; Forrest, SR, “Micropatterning Of Small Molecular Weight Organic Semiconductor Thin Films Using Organic Vapor Phase Deposition,” Journal Of Applied Physics, Vol. 93, Issue 7, pp. 4005 (2003).

Kim, C; Shtein, M; Forrest, SR, “Nanolithography Based On Patterned Metal Transfer And Its Application To Organic Electronic Devices,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 80, Issue 21, pp. 4051 (2002).

Shtein, M; Mahon, JK; Zhou, T; Forrest, SR; Schwambera, M; Meyer, N, “Organic VPD Shows Promise For OLED Volume Production,” Solid State Technology, Vol. 45, Issue 10, pp. 18 (2002).

Shtein, M; Mapel, J; Benziger, JB; Forrest, SR, “Effects Of Film Morphology And Gate Dielectric Surface Preparation On The Electrical Characteristics Of Organic-Vapor-Phase-Deposited Pentacene Thin-Film Transistors,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 81, Issue 2, pp. 268 (2002).

Shtein, M; Gossenberger, HF; Benziger, JB; Forrest, SR, “Material Transport Regimes And Mechanisms For Growth Of Molecular Organic Thin Films Using Low-Pressure Organic Vapor Phase Deposition,” Journal Of Applied Physics, Vol. 89, Issue 2, pp. 1470 (2001).

Barton, DG; Shtein, M; Wilson, RD; Soled, SL; Iglesia, E, “Structure And Electronic Properties Of Solid Acids Based On Tungsten Oxide Nanostructures,” Journal Of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 103, Issue 4, pp. 630 (1999).