image of Lonnie Shea

Lonnie Shea

Steven A. Goldstein Collegiate Professor, Biomedical Engineering (Courtesy)


(734) 764-7149


Building 520, Room 3318
1600 Huron Parkway
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Primary website

Shea Lab


University of Michigan
PhD Chemical Engineering and Scientific Computing ’97

Case Western Reserve University
MS Chemical Engineering ’93
BS Chemical Engineering ’92

Research Interests

The Shea Lab works at the interface of regenerative medicine, biomaterials, and gene and drug delivery. The central theme for the various projects is creating synthetic environments which can be employed to molecularly dissect tissue formation, both normal or abnormal, or promote regeneration. Of particular emphasis in the lab is:

Research Descriptions on Shea Group webpage


Positions Held at U-M

Professor and William and Valerie Hall Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering; Professor of Chemical Engineering
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Michigan, Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Biologic and Materials Science, 1997 – 1999

Positions Held Elsewhere

Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, August 2014
Director, Biotechnology Training Program, Northwestern University, 2008 – 2014
Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern University, 2008 – 2014
Resident Faculty Member, Institute for BioNanotechnology in Medicine (IBNAM), 2006 – 2014
Associate Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern University, 2005-2008
Visiting Assistant Professor, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Laboratory of Cellular and Tissue Engineering, Charles Patrick, Director, Houston, TX, 2005-2006
Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern University, 1999 – 2005

Professional Service

NSF Proposal Panel (Mar, 2000, Dec. 2001, Dec. 2002, individual proposals as well)
NIH Proposal Review Panels
NASA Panel
NIH Biotechnology Training Program – Director, September 2008 – present
Organizer, Materials Research Society, San Francisco, Spring 2013
Annual Review Biomedical Engineering, Editorial Committee guest member, October 2012
Editorial Board
Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Molecular Therapy
CRS Drug Delivery and Translational Research
Expert Review of Medical Devices


Society for Biomaterials Clemson Award, 2015
AIChE Area 15d Plenary Award
AIMBE Fellow, 2010
NAE Frontiers in Engineering, 2005
NSF CAREER Award, 2000


Selected Publications

Skory RM, Mutharasan P, Peñalver Bernabé B, Lei L, Garcia OA, Legro RS, Dunaif A, Shea LD, Urbanek M, Woodruff TK “Identification of mechanosensitive genes containing SNPs associated with PCOS using an in vitro-informed candidate approach”, submitted.

Weiss, MS, BP Bernabe, S Shin, S Asztalos, SJ Dubbury, MD Mui, AD Bellis, D Bluver, DA Tonetti, J Saez-Rodriguez, LJ Broadbelt, JS Jeruss, and LD Shea “Dynamic transcription factor activity quantification for revealing the mechanisms of ErbB2 activity and targeted therapeutics in 3D cancer models”, in press Integ Biol. 2015.

Azarin, SM, J. Yi, RM Gower, BA Aguado, ME Sullivan, AG Goodman, EJ Jiang, SS Rao, Y Ren, V Backman, JS Jeruss, and LD Shea “An in vivo sensor for detection of metastasis”, submitted.

Gower, RM, K Hlavaty, J. Zhang, X Luo, LD Shea, “Localized TGF-ß1 release decreases immune cell infiltration, facilitates islet engraftment, and delays allogeneic graft rejection”, submitted.

J Bryant, KA Hlavaty, X Zhang, WT Yap, L Zhang, LD Shea, X Luo “Nanoparticle delivery of donor antigens for transplant tolerance in allogeneic islet transplantation”, Biomaterials, 35(31):8887-9, 2014 [PMCID in process].

Xu J, Xu M, Bernuci MP, Fisher TE, Shea LD, Woodruff TK, Zelinski MB, Stouffer RL, “Primate follicular development and oocyte maturation in vitro”, Adv Exp Med Biol 761:43067, 2013.

Tagler D, Makanji Y, Tu T, Bernabé BP, Lee R, Zhu J, Kniazeva E, Hornick JE, Woodruff TK, LD Shea. “Promoting extracellular matrix remodeling via ascorbic acid enhances the survival of primary ovarian follicles encapsulated in alginate hydrogels”, Biotech Bioeng 111(7) 1417-29, 2014.

Laronda MM, Duncan FE, Hornick JE, Xu M, Pahnke JE, Whelan KA, Shea LD, Woodruff TK. Alginate encapsulation supports the growth and differentiation of human primordial follicles within ovarian cortical tissue. J Assist Reprod Genet 31(8) 1013-28, 2014.

Shea, LD, TK Woodruff, A Shikanov, “Bieengineering the ovarian follicle microenvironment” Annu Rev Biomed Eng 16:29-52, 2014

Thomas, AM, AJ Gomes, JL Palma, WT Yap, LD Shea, Heparin-chitosan nanoparticle functionalization of porous poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogels for localized lentivirus delivery of angiogenic factors. Biomaterials 35(30) 8687-93, 2014.

AM Thomas, LD Shea, “Cryotemplation for the Rapid Fabrication of Porous, Patternable Photopolymerized Hydrogels”, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2 (28), 4521 – 4530, 2014.

WT Yap, WK Song, N Chauhan, PN Scalise, R Agrawal, and LD Shea, “Quantification of particle- conjugated or -encapsulated peptides on interfering reagent backgrounds”, BioTechniques, 2014 July 1. PMID:25005692.

R. Smith, A. Shikanov, E. Kniazeva, D. Ramadurai, T.K. Woodruff, and L.D. Shea, “Fibrin mediated delivery of an ovarian follicle pool in a mouse model of infertility”, Tissue Engineering Part A, 2014 Jun 12. PMID:24802617.

DP McCarthy, ZN Hunter, B Chackerian, LD Shea, and SD Miller, “Targeted Immunomodulation Using Protein Coated Nanoparticles”, Wiley Interdiscip Rev Nanomed Nanobiotechnol, 2014.

MT Duncan, S Shin, JJ Wu, Z Mays, S Weng, N Bagheri, WM Miller, and LD Shea, “Dynamic transcription factor activity profiles reveal key regulatory interactions during megakaryocyte and erythrocyte differentiation”, Biotech and Bioeng. 2014 May 22. PMID: 24853077.

Z Hunter, DP McCarthy, WT Yap, CT Harp, DR Getts, LD Shea, and SD Miller “A biodegradable nanoparticles platform for the induction of antigen-specific immune tolerance for treatment of autoimmune disease”, ACS Nano, Mar 25;8(3):2148-60, 2014. [PMC3990004]

A.M. Thomas*, S.K. Seidlits*, A.G. Goodman, T.V. Kukushliev, D.M. Hassani, B.J. Cummings, A.J. Anderson, LD Shea. (2013) Endogenous progenitors recruited after spinal cord injury by sonic hedgehog and neurotrophin-3 undergo oligodendrogenesis and improve myelination, Integrative Biology, Integr. Biol., 6 (7), 694 – 705, 2014.

Makanji Y, Tagler D, Pahnke J, LD Shea, and Woodruff TK. “Hypoxia-mediated carbohydrate metabolism and transport promotes early stage murine follicle growth and survival”, 2014 Apr 15;306(8). [PMC3989738].

Chen J, Sheu AY, Li W, Zhang Z, Kim DH, Lewandowski RJ, Omary RA, Shea LD, Larson AC. “Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) Microspheres for MRI-Monitored Transcatheter Delivery of Sorafenib to Liver Tumors”, 2014 Jun 28;184:10-7 [PMC4058431].

DR Getts, RL Terry, MT Getts, C Deffrasnes, M Muller, C van Vreden, TM Ashhurst, B Chami, D McCarthy, H. Wu, J. Ma, A Martin, B Wu, GS Kansas, J Kuhn, W Hafezi, IL Campbell, LD Shea, D Reilly, J Say, L Brown, MY White, P Witting, SJ Cordwell, SJ Chadban, EB Thorp, S Bao, SD Miller, NJC King, “Inflammatory monocyte modulation using MARCO targeting Immune-modifying Nanoparticles”, Science Translational Medicine, 2014 Jan 15;6(219) [PMC3973033].

Gower RM, Boehler RM, Azarin SM, Ricci CF, Leonard JN, Shea LD. Modulation of leukocyte infiltration and phenotype in microporous tissue engineering scaffolds via vector induced IL-10 expression, Biomaterials, Feb;35(6):2024-31, 2014. [PMC3932667]

Boehler RM, R Kuo, S Shin, AG Goodman AG, MA Pilecki, RM Gower, JN Leonard, LD Shea, “Lentivirus delivery of IL-10 to promote and sustain macrophage polarization towards an anti- inflammatory phenotype”, Biotech Bioeng, Jun;111(6):1210-21, 2014. PMID: 24375008.

Hlavaty, KA, RF Gibly, X Zhang, CB Rives, JG Graham, X Luo, WL Lowe, LD Shea, ”Enhancing human islet transplantation by localized release of trophic factors from PLG scaffolds”, Am J Transplantation 14(7):1523-32, 2014. PMID:24909237.

Getts DR, Martin AJ, McCarthy DP, Terry RL, Hunter ZN, Yap WT, Getts M, Pleiss M, Luo X, King NJ, Shea LD, and Miller SD, “Microparticles bearing encephalitogenic peptides induce T-cell tolerance and ameliorate experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis”, Nat Biotechnol. 2012 Dec;30(12):1217-24. [PMC: 3589822]. Addendum: Nat Biotechnol. 2013 Jun;31(6):565.

Barbolina MV, Liu Y, Gurler H, Kim M, Kajdacsy-Balla AA, Rooper L, Shepard J, Weiss M, LD Shea, Penzes P, Ravosa MJ, Stack MS, Matrix rigidity activates Wnt signaling through down- reuglation of Dickkopf-1 protein. J Biol Chem 288(1):141-51 2013.

Waimey KE, Duncan FE, Su HI, Smith K, Wallach H, Jona K, Coutifaris C, Gracia CR, LD Shea, Brannigan RE, Chang RJ, Zelinski MB, Stouffer RL, Taylor RL, Woodruff TK. Future directions in oncofertility and fertility
preservation: a report from the 2011 oncofertility consortium conference. J. Adolesc Young Adult Oncol 2(1) 25-30, 2013.

Thomas, AM, Kubilius MB, Holland SJ, Seidlits SK, Boehler RM, Anderson AJ, Cummings BJ, and LD Shea, “Channel density and porosity of degradable bridging scaffolds on axon growth after spinal injury”, Biomaterials. 2013 Mar;34(9):2213-20. [PMC 3552139]

Tagler, D, Makanji Y, Anderson NR, Woodruff TK and LD Shea, “Supplemented αMEM/F12-based medium enables the survival and growth of primary ovarian follicles encapsulated in alginate hydrogels”, Biotechnol Bioeng. 2013 Jun 25. [PMC 3808526]

Thomas, A, and LD Shea, “Polysaccharide-modified scaffolds for controlled lentivirus delivery in vitro and after spinal cord injury”, J Control Release. 2013 Sep 28, 170(3):421-9. [PMC3742643]

Boehler, RM, S Shin, AG Fast, RM Gower, and LD Shea “A PLG/HAp composite scaffold for lentivirus delivery”, Biomaterials. 2013 Jul;34(21):5431-8. [PMC 3653272]

Seidlits, SK, RM Gower, JA Shepard, and LD Shea, “Hydrogels for lentiviral gene delivery”, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery. 2013 Apr;10(4):499-509. [PMC 3648640].

WT Yap, DM Salvay, MA Silliman, X Zhang, ZG Bannon, DB Kaufman, WL Lowe, Jr. and LD Shea, “Collagen IV-Modified Scaffolds Improve Islet Survival and Function and Reduce Time to Euglycemia”. Tissue Eng Part A. 2013 Nov;19(21-22):2361-72. [PMC3807710].

Group culture of primary follicles promotes development in alginate hydrogels through paracrine signaling and requires intact follicle”, in press.

JE Hornick, FE Duncan, LD Shea and TK Woodruff, “Multiple follicle culture supports primary follicle growth through paracrine-acting signals”, 145(1):19-32 2013.

IR Brito, IMT Lima, M Xu, LD Shea, TK Woodruff, JR Figueiredo, “Three-dimensional systems for in vitro follicular culture: overview of alginate-based matrices“, Reprod Fertil Dev. 2013.

A. Siletz, M. Schnabel, E. Kniazeva, AJ Schumacher, S Shin, JS Jeruss, and LD Shea. “Dynamic Transcription Factor Networks in Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Breast Cancer Models”, PLoS One. 2013 Apr 8;8(4). [PMC 3620167]

HM Tuinstra, AG Goodman, SJ Holland, RM Boehler, ML Zelivyanskaya, DJ Margul, BJ Cummings, AJ Anderson, and LD Shea, “Long-term characterization of axon regeneration and matrix changes using multiple channel bridges for spinal cord regeneration”, Tissue Eng Part A, 2014 Mar;20(5-6):1027-37. [PMC3938917].

JG Graham, X Zhang, A Goodman, K Pothoven, J Houlihan, S Wang, RM Gower, X Luo, and LD Shea, “PLG Scaffold Delivered Antigen-Specific Regulatory T cells Induce Systemic Tolerance in Autoimmune Diabetes”, Tissue Eng Part A. 2013 Jun;19(11-12):1465-75. [PMC 3638535].

RM Skory, BP Bernabé, E Galdones, LJ Broadbelt, LD Shea and Teresa K Woodruff. “Microarray analysis identifies COMP as the most differentially regulated transcript throughout in vitro follicle growth”, Mol Reproduction and Dev, 2013 Feb;80(2):132-44. [PMC3730266]

RW Ahn, SL Barrett, MR Raja, JK. Jozefik, L Spaho, H Chen, MB Bally, AP Mazar, MJ Avram, JN
Winter, LI Gordon, LD Shea, TV O’Halloran, and TK Woodruff, “Nano-encapsulation of arsenic trioxide enhances efficacy in a murine lymphoma model while minimizing chemotherapeutic fertotoxicity in vitro and in vivo”, PLoS One. 2013;8(3). [PMC 3603968].

P Mutharasan, E Galdones, BP Bernabé, O Garcia, N Jafari, LD Shea, TK Woodruff, RS Legro, A Dunaif, M Urbanek “Evidence for Chromosome 2p16.3 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Susceptibility Locus in Affected Women of European Ancestry”, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
2013 Jan;98(1):E185-90. [PMC 3537106]

Tuinstra, H.M., M. DuCommun, W.E. Briley, and L.D. Shea, “Gene delivery to overcome astrocyte inhibition of axonal growth: an in vitro model of the glial scar”, Biotech & Bioeng. Mar;110(3):947-57, 2013. [PMC4035246]

Shepard, JA, FR Virani, AG Goodman, TD Gossett, S. Shin, and L.D. Shea, “Hydrogel macroporosity and the prolongation of transgene expression and the enhancement of angiogenesis.” Biomaterials Oct;33(30):7412-21, 2012. [PMC3418462]

Siletz, A., Kniazeva, JS Jeruss, and LD Shea, “Transcription Factor Networks in Invasion- Promoting Breast Carcinoma-Associated Fibroblasts” Cancer Microenvironment Apr;6(1):91-107, 2013. [PMC3601213]

Jen, MC, K. Baler, A.R. Hood, S. Shin, L.D. Shea, and G.A. Ameer “Sustained, localized transgene expression mediated from lentivirus-loaded biodegradable polyester elastomers”, J Biomed Mater Res A. 2013 May;101(5):1328-35. [PMC4058645]

Bellis, A.D., B.P. Bernabe, M.S. Weiss, S. Shin, S. Weng, L.J. Broadbelt, and L.D. Shea, “Dynamic Transcription Factor Activity Profiling in 2D and 3D Cell Cultures”, Biotechnol Bioeng. 2013 Feb;110(2):563-72. [PMC4073638].

Complete list of journal articles